My Name Is Rebecca
Hello, my name is Rebecca but, my friends call me Becky and, I am a 31 year
old who has been of the streets for a number of years and this is my story.
I was born in Toronto and raised by my mom and dad until I was 13 and
home was a very religous house. There are reasons why I ran to the
streets, it was not just to do the things I wanted to do. At the age of 4 to
the age of 8 I was sexually abused by a friend of my families who use to
babysit my brother and me. I told my mom, she dealt with it the best way she
knew how but, it only made it worse because she made me confront my abuser
after I asked her to keep this between us and doing this made me lose trust
in her. They never took me to see anyone or never dealt with the pain that
goes along with the abuse. At the age 13 I ran away from home and the
reason was that I desided that the religion that they believed in was not for
me. If you live in my family one of the rules was you go to church with us
and if I wanted to stay home then I could move out. The whole church shunned me
and I lost all the friends I had because they were told not to talk to me.
When I hit the streets I was very scared for the first little while. I had no
idea on how I was going to live so I called CAS (Children’s Aid Society), I
asked for help. The day I called them someone there paid for a cab to get me
to their office. I explained what had happened with my mom and dad and
because I didn't want to go home and my parents didn't want me home they
decided to put me into a foster home. The foster home was not much different
then being at home and almost very similar rules were there. You had to go to
there church, be part of the choir plus on top of that they had 4 little
children, one foster girl plus me. Much of the time that they wanted to go
out and me being the oldest I got told to babysit all of them. They never
thought about trying to get me someone to talk to about the abuse. They knew
what had happened and I had no idea how do deal with the pain, they would
talk to me, then call my parents to talk but they lied to them and me look
like a bad kid, because they did this I lost trust in them too. Therefore I
started running away from the foster home and decided that I would be better
on my own so I went back to the streets of downtown Toronto. I ended up making
friends with some of the older street kids and the street adults. They thought
me how to pan so I could eat and get things I needed. We, 3 kids and myself
found a place on Young Street that had lots of bails of hey so we decided to
make huts to live in so we all lived in these huts. One day I met a young
woman, named Shannon she asked me some questions about my life and I told her
what I could. We went to a phone and she called a woman called Angel. Angel
came down and took a few kids out for a coffee or pop which ever and we
started to talk then we took her over to where the hey huts was and invited
her inside to see the home we had made. When she was going to go home she
asked if there was anything she could help with and we said "we need
flashlights or candles so we had some light. She promised to help in these
way and gave us her number then was told we could call her for any reason or
at any time day or night.
One day Angel came down with the things that we had asked her for but
she went to where the hey huts were, they were gone so she started looking
for us. She found us at the Evergreen and took us all for hot chocolate or
coffee. We started to become friends and she would tell us about many things
as we shared stories of our lives, I started to open up with what I could
remember about mine. One day I got arrested and didn't know who to call, I was
very scared. When the police made me empty my pockets, one thing that came out
of my pockets was Angel's phone number so I asked them to call her. They let
her talk to me and she settled me down. The police talked to her and she sent
a friend named "Red" to pick me up. We took the bus to Angel's house. We were
talking and we got into a conversation about me living on the streets. I
asked Angel if I could live with her at the house because I had a hard time
living on the streets and I knew CAS was looking for me. I ended up living in
one of the rooms in her apartment and I also kept running from there back to
the streets. The reason, was not because of any abuse but the fact that after
having hurt, pain and abuse in my life this is all I knew. It seem to matter
how well I was doing the minute I started to do well I had them head games
with me and again I would run. All the love that I received from Angel scared
me to death. I kept running back to the streets. I still saw Angel every night
and all of us knew if there was a problem Angel would help us out. Every night
Angel would walk from Young and Queen all the way up past the Evergreen and
pick who ever she found and take us to the coffee shop and buy us all a hot
chocolate or coffee. At the end she would give us a hug goodbye and tell us to
"be careful and she loved us". As I got older I would live with Angel for
awhile but every time I would start school, start dealing with the abuse in my
life all the pain, my mom or dad would call lie to me. They are my parents
and I want so bad to see them because I loved them no matter what happened
and the only way I learned to forgive them was by watching Angel loving us no
matter what we did or how much we mess up. At first my mom and dad won't talk
to me but, after 4 years of Angel talking to them they started to come around
so that I could call and say at the least "hello".
Living on the streets you do some really messed up things and there is
of fighting, drugs and stealing. I got into the drugs to stop the pain that I
got from all the abuse, the pain came out mostly at night. One day I started
dating a dealer and when we broke-up I stole a Gram of weed from him. It
caught up with me when I was 22 years old. He and his friends knew I was
living with Angel and they knew that if they called with a problem Angel
would come to help in whatever way she could. One night Angel was at home.
Somebody called and asked for me, saying there was a problem and need help,
so instead of me going down Angel did. This is when Angel got stabbed, pepper
sprayed, and hit with a metal rod. They were after me but they would take
whatever they could get I guess. After Angel got out of the hospital we
talked at home and decided the best thing to do was for me to get out of
Toronto, so Angel gave me some money and told me to go somewhere safe anywhere
out of Toronto. I went down to the bus station and caught a bus to Ottawa.
When I got off the bus I called Angel collect to make sure she knew I was
safe I was going to tell her where I was but she told me not to tell her
because if she knew and somebody asked she would have to tell them because
Angle won't lie. In Ottawa I called as much as I could and I stayed in a
shelter until I found an apartment and got on welfare. When I had my own
place because I had not dealt with the abuse still I turned to drugs to deal
with the pain. I started doing CRACK, including STRIPPING in a bar to support
my habit. I year later I meet I guy and he helped me get clean and I have
been of the streets since.
I now live in Toronto and have a 9 year old little girl that because I lived
with CAS and they know everything about my past have given my daughter to my
parents who are raising her. I get her on weekends and can see her anytime I
want. I am now living at Angels and am dealing with my abuse issues and
learning how to handle Savanah properly including talking care of a home,
something I never learned from anyone.