My name is Kelsey, I’m only
two. I’m way too young to know right from wrong, I can barely sing a children’s song. When you
hurt me, why can’t you see, I don’t understand, I’m not even three. I try to walk, “can’t”. My
little body’s black and blue and now you have taken my family too. I love my daddy and he loves me, Grandma,
PaPa, where can you be? I don’t forget, I think of you and when I’m hurt, your love shines through. It’s
dark in here, I can’t go on------No! Wait there’s light, an angel’s song. I feel God’s
hand lift me away: he has the perfect place to play. I know you hurt, I see your tears, but only God
knows why I’m here. Daddy, I’m okay, my body’s new and I will never, ever forget you. My
name was Kelsey. Written by Connie Mathews
Kelsey tried so many times to tell her mom she was being
hurt. But time and time again Raye Dawn ignored Kelsey. There are actual clips from DHS and OSBI reports in this video.Dont
let childrens voices be silinced becasue you think it cant be or he/she would Never. Mike seemed like a perfect guy, but behind
closed doors kelsey knew diffrent. If you even remotly think a child is being abused stand up and say somthing. Because if
you dont, that child could be silinced forever. No child deserves to die, they all deserve to live and be happy. I got alot
of my information from a subscriber I know. Boomcr. Thanks for keeping kelseys story alive.
There are a few mistakes
in my video. I know there is a statment on the pic of kelsey and her mom. I could not figure out how to get rid of it. It
was ment to be on the one of lance befor it. Also there are a few other pics out of place and a couple of mispelled words,